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5 - Web Update and where I've been for a day


31/01/2025 at 16:03

So hi again, apologies for my day-long absence. I just managed to finish my last mock exam  and I've got a few things to say. 

Firstly, I noticed a slight dilemma with the front page of the website, being that recurring visitors have to check the respective pages to see if there's a new post. So to remedy this issue I've added a 'Most Recent' section to the Main Page. I have to manually update it each time a new webcomic or blog post is uploaded but it doesn't take much time. 

Secondly, I HATE mocks. I'm doing GCSEs and these mocks were some of the most painful things I've ever done. As far as I'm aware the GCSE exam course takes about 7 weeks. Guess how many weeks in duration were these mocks? 

2 weeks. 2. Goddamn. Weeks. I've never been burnt out by school before but here I am. I'm doing fine now since I'm free to do what I like for a bit (including working on this website :D) and additionally I have some cool new stuff I've obtained that I want to show later, maybe I'll figure out some form of video-hosting subpage or something (or just attach videos to blog posts, I'm not sure yet).

Merry Friday! More soon.


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