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the r-space 

2 - We are up!


28/01/2025 at 16:25

So funnily enough, this is the first live/new blog post on this website! Everything until this blog post was made and tested locally, however starting from today, the r-space is hosted on rspace.co.uk on the internet!! 

I honestly never thought this would actually be put on the internet at all but here we are, in all of it's 2000s-looking glory. And not only that, I'm going to keep adding to this website so keep checking for new stuff :D

If you want to contact me with feedback about this website and stuff my discord is rspace (AIM Screen name coming soon)

The whole site is made using Microsoft FrontPage 2000 on my ThinkPad T42 and graphics are done using DiddleBug on my Sony Clie SJ30 (Palm PDA). Currently the actual site itself is hosted on GitHub Pages and then routed through my domain but sooner or later I'll try and set up a proper web server in my bedroom for this purpose!

I have a lot planned for this website, like technology retrospectives in tandem with my alt channel (see the Links page) and photography things perhaps as well! 

You'll probably see some more regular 'blog posts' here but occasionally I'll post site updates as well.

Bye for now! :D

(C) 2025 RSpace (@RSpaced)